The Smallest Members Arts, Crafts, Experiments & Fun Blog Introduction

The Smallest Members Arts, Crafts, Experiments & Fun Blog Introduction

As all of us are staying at home, we know its difficult to think of what to do with the family, you do board games, puzzles, go out for walks, or just revert to the usual craft which could bore the kids!, BUT we want you and your kids to get creative and do something different!

We know that when you are trying to find something different to do with the kids you can spend hours searching the internet trying to find quick and simple activities that you can do, and then when you find ‘the one you want to do' you then realise you don’t have all of the parts so you have to pop out to the shops, but with as we are all staying at home, we cant do that…

With this in mind, the smallest member and I wanted to share with you our favourite ACE activities.

A = Arts

C = Crafts

E = Experiments

We plan launch a series of 4 ACE blogs over the next 4-6 weeks which will you give you simple activities, getting you and the family creative. We also want to only use items that you may readily have home or in the garden! Which makes it simple and easy to collect, all you have to do is get raiding the recycling bin!

  • ACE 1: Reusing household items (Glass Jars/ Lids, Plastic Yogurt pots)

  • ACE 2: Fabrics (pillow cases, fabric scraps, elastic, random socks)

  • ACE 3: The outside world (Pebbles/ stones/ flowers/ Water)

  • ACE 4: Paper/ card

Within each ACE blog there will be a group of activities that you can choose from.  Each activity will highlight:

  1. What items you will need.
  2. A you tube video (that is easy to follow)
  3. To make the activity a little longer/ little extra learning, we will detail a few areas which might like to be explored.

Over the next few weeks, the smallest member and I will be doing a videos of one of the weekly activities and these will be posted on the main facebook/ Instagram pages. But we also want you to get involved, so it would be lovely if you tagged us in your ACE crafts pictures (@anniewithalex #ACEanniewithalex) and also let us know if there are any crafts that you would like to be featured or included on “You’re ACE”

