Helping key workers at the time they need us the most - Simple Button Headband Pattern

Helping key workers at the time they need us the most - Simple Button Headband Pattern

We are in strange times, locked at home to try and save lives whilst key workers risk their lives saving people like you and I.

As you will know nether Mum or I are not key workers but what we do have is a sewing machine, plenty of fabric and lots of time on our hands! we know that many of our customers are NHS workers so 3 weeks ago we reached out to them to see if we could help. We know from the press that they need scrubs, however despite having 4 sewing machines between us we do not have an over-locker so we cant make them, but what we can do is make button head bands which save the backs of the ears from getting sore from constant use of PPE.

From posting an initial picture on social media asking what people think we have been blown away by the demand! So much so that over the past 2 weeks we have made and delivered over 50 head hands to 7 different counties in England! Not only this but people have been getting in touch asking us for the pattern that we use, so we are delighted to be able to share this with you.

From searching the internet for patterns we found loads, some more complicated than others, but we have adapted a few and come up with our own simple pattern that takes c 10-15 minutes.

What you will need:

  • 100% Cotton Fabric (50cm x 15 cm rectangle)

  • Plastic Buttons (larger than 2cm)

  • Elastic (we have used flat and round pieces) But we know that if you have elasticated hair elastic bands and this also works - Medium size headband (Women) 2 x 7 cm elastic. Large Headband (Mens 2 x 9cm)

  • You will require a sewing machine - hand stitching will not survive consistant washing at 60 degrees


To make the Fabric Sausage!:

  1. On the short edges turn in and hem (this gives a nice neat edge to sew the elastic later). Do this on both short edges.

  2. With the right sides together join the long sides together leaving c 1 cm seam allowance and remember to secure the ends with a reverse stitch.

  3. Turn the fabric the right way around (we have tried smaller sized headband sizes however its fiddily to turn out!)

  4. Iron Flat so that the join is in the middle (back of the headband).

Joining the elastic.

  • With the join in the middle of the head band fold in one half, pin and then the other half ( this should make a X shape - see picture at the base of the blog). Pin so you dont loose the shape when you insert the elastic.

  • In the X shape insert one piece of elastic (c 5mm) into one half of the fabric X and other other piece of elastic in the other side of the X. It goes not matter if they are not equal distance appart.

  • Sew them in. Personally I go over this 3/ 4 times to secure them tightly.

  • To join the headband together replicate this on the other edge.

Fixing the Buttons:

  • From the edge of the elastic - Sew the buttons approx 4 cm from the edge (using 4 fingers as a guide!)

One Headband! Do let us know how to get on.

Annie and Alex x
